Galerie Dada - Fine Art Reproductions

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We artists have to help one another so I am happy to trade links with art related sites. So if you want to link to me cut and paste either text link or a banner link from below and send an email to me at with your link information. Thanks.

Photo to Oil Portrait by Art Ruebens
Wedding Portraits, Child Portraits, Dog Portraits, Warhol style portraits and more…

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1. Choose a graphic or text link below.
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3. Copy the code (Usually Ctrl+C)
4. Open your page with any text editor
5. Paste the code into your web page (Usually Ctrl+V)
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Banner Link

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/ruebensportraits.jpg" border="0" alt=" Photo to oil portrait">

Text Link

<a" target="_blank" title=" Photo to oil portrait">Photo to Oil Portrait by Art Ruebens Wedding Portraits, Child Portraits, Dog Portraits, Warhol style portraits and more¦</a>


Child portraits

Pop art portraits