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Hello Art
I keep sending everyone I know to your site to see the original photo and the oil portrait of Mary-Beth. You have a gift from God, I’m glad that I found your incredible talents.
Tony, Vermont

Hi Art
I think they both are perfect. Mom’s portrait is wonderful and Pops looks just splendid.
Veronica, NYC

Hi Art
I’m so excited at seeing the portraits hung on the wall. Several of my friends have contacted me about your work and I’d like new one doing of the whole family together – ten people. Ill send details with photos, and all important info. What is the largest painting you can do? Also how much will it cost? I'll send a deposit as soon as I have your quote. Thanks so very much.
Dana, Colorado

Dear Art
I am so impressed with the portrait, it looks so much like him, and the eyes were exactly as I remembered in the original photo. I can’t believe the quality that you were able to get with such a poor quality photo. Again thanks so much for a beautiful work of art.
Washington, DC

Hi Art
Many thanks for the portrait, you have a fabulous talent. I can’t wait to send my grand children’s photos and I promise they are actual photos taken at a studio so I can only imagine how lovely they will be
Maria, New Mexico

The portrait arrived flawless. It’s a stunning likeness, the color is so natural. Thank you so much.
Jim, Houston, Texas

Hi Art
Got the portrait this morning and WOW, you do absolutely wonderful work! Amazing. Your talent is amazing. I want you to do another for me and I’m attaching the photo. I need it size 24 x 30”
Lisa, Portland

Dear Art
I got the portrait of my daughters on Monday and I love it. It looks fantastic. Thank you so much for such a beautiful job.
Thank you,
Peter, London

Dear Art
I got your photos of the portrait of my cat. It is so very lovely, what a great job. And my moggie loves it too!!!
Antonia, Bristol, UK

Hi Art
The portrait is now framed and hung on the stairs with the other family portraits. I was lucky enough to get a frame that matches the other portraits. I’m definitely going to have you do one of my grandchildren, I’ve asked my son to take a good picture of them for you to use’.
Nancy, Seattle, Washington

Dear Art
Thank you ever so much for the beautiful portrait that you did of my late father. You have a wonderful, God-given talent, than you for sharing it with us.
Anita, Chicago , Il

Thank you so much for the amazing portrait, it is much better then I even imagined!
And thank you for so patiently listening and responding to my requests. All the visitors to my house have asked about the portrait and said that they want one done too. I’ve given them your website address. Thanks a million.
Pat, New Jersey

You are a totally awesome artist. The portrait captures Bill’s character perfectly, he’s over the moon about it. I’m definitely going to be having another one done, of my mana and papa.
Maria, Chicago, Il

Hello Art
The portrait of my late dog arrived today. I am so delighted with it that I can only say thank you and you have captured him completely. I was so overjoyed, the happy memories came flooding back and that brought a tear to my eye.
Marge, San Diego

Dear Art
I am very happy with the finished portrait of my late mother. This has brought great joy to me.
Yours sincerely,
Michael. Wellington, New Zealand

Thank you for doing such a wonderful job of my portrait I have just shown my mum the picture and she cannot believe the likeness.
Tessa, Adelaide, Australia

Hi Art
It’s so beautiful! Even better than imagined. I can’t wait to see my parents faces on Christmas day when they unwrap it! They’ve never had their portraits been done before by a real artist.
Thank you and Merry Christmas
Jenny, Montreal, Canada

Hi Art
The portrait arrived yesterday and it made by day. It is absolute masterpiece. I rushed down to the framers this morning as I want to hang as before the weekend when relatives visit. I have passed your details onto the framers as the wanted to know who painted it. Thank you again
Nel, Birmingham, Alabama

Thank you very much for the splendid portrait of my darling wife. She loves it and everyone that sees it says it looks just like her. You captured her perfectly, especially that glint in her eye!
Thanks so much
Marvin, St Louis

Dear Art
Thank you, thank you, thank you....the family group portrait will be cherished my family for generations to come. You are a truly gifted artist, I wish I could paint like you.
Beth, Minnesota

Dear Art
I was really surprised when I opened your package, unrolled the canvas and saw how beautiful the portrait was. I can’t begin to explain what joy your marvelous talent has brought to us.
Nicky, Oakland, California

I am very pleased with my parent’s portrait and your friendly advice. I will recommend you to anyone that needs a portrait done.
Thank you so much
Mona, Toronto, Canada

I would like to thank you for the fabulous work you did in capturing my girlfriend's personality. I hope you’ll do our wedding portrait if she says ‘yes’ when I pop the question!
Rod, Sydney, Australia

Hi Art
I love the portrait. It will be treasured in our family for generations to come.
Malcolm, Miami, Florida

Hi Art
I got the oil portrait today and I really love it. You have been truly blessed by God for him to give you such a wonderful gift
Francis, Wyoming

Dear Art
Received the wonderful painting today. Just wanted to thank you for all your time and effort and to let you know that I think you’re very talented.
Jacky, Galveston, Texas

Hi Art
Thank you for the portrait. You have captured us all exactly – true magic. I going to ask you to do one of my daughter on her horse.
Matt, Calgary, Canada.

A real work art, such attention to detail, you’ve captured him as I’ll always remember him.
Thank-you and God bless you
Emma, Maryland

Wow Art, I really, really love this Warhol style portrait! You are really quite an amazing artist.
Jake, San Francisco

Totally pleased, the portrait is great. Many, many thanks
Tom, Vancouver, Canada

Hello Art
Just to let you know, I received the portrait today and I am very happy with it.

Marcia, Richmond. UK

We received the portrait on Monday and I’m writing to say thanks so much. I am very happy with the beautiful portrait.

Christine, Auckland, New Zealand

Dear Art
We got the portraits and are very impressed. You have a great artistic talent and very pleasant to deal with. We would recommend you to anyone who wants a portrait done.
Phoebe and Hank, Orange County, California

My sister was thrilled to see her portrait in oil paint. I have been very impressed with your level of customer care and really appreciate the time you took. Thanks again.

Gloria, London. UK

Dear Art
Than you for the marvelous portrait of our dog, it brings back such fond memories, it makes me smile every day when I look at it.
Barbara, Gloucester, UK

Hi Art
The portrait of our dog is so life like. Thank you for ensuring that Buzz's soul will remain with us forever.