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Oil Portrait Masters 10

Francoise Nielly

Nielly has brought back portrait art with her palette brush technique. Watching her work is stunning. She sketches with the palette knife as if it were an erasable pencil, not wedge laden with thick paint. Over the barest outline, she layers diverse colors and integrates them with swift, decisive gestures. In all of her portraits, blends of bold colors streak across the canvas to create a lively and erotic energy, as faces emerge from her stark, solid backgrounds. Nielly's subjects often have a burning gaze and facial expressions that suggest strong and salacious desires. The powerful, fixed stare of her subjects is captivating and viewers cannot help but wonder if there are hidden intentions behind the eyes of these compelling figures.
Francoise Nielly oil portrait Francoise Nielly oil portrait Francoise Nielly oil portrait
Francoise Nielly oil portrait Francoise Nielly oil portrait Francoise Nielly oil portrait
Francoise Nielly oil portrait Francoise Nielly oil portrait Francoise Nielly oil portrait