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Oil Portrait Masters 14

Andy Warhol

The collaboration with people of various backgrounds was the essential part of Warhol's career. Some of these interesting personalities he welcomed in his New York studio and some he collaborated outside of this creative hub. One common thread remained constant throughout his career, Warhol enjoyed making portraits, especially of celebrities and famous figures, those already immortalized, which he would elevate onto another level, a level of Pop icons. Most notable and obvious crowd pleasers are obviously the Marylyn Monroe portraits, but Warhol also featured other women such as Liza Minelli, Liz Taylor, Debbie Harry and Joan Collins in his paintings. It was in Studio 54, the ultimate Manhattan nightclub that made headlines during the 1970s that Warhol found many of his celebrity sitters but none were ever as famous or as seemingly important as Marylin Monroe was to Andy Warhol and his career.
Andy Warhol oil portrait Andy Warhol oil portrait Andy Warhol oil portrait
Andy Warhol oil portrait Andy Warhol oil portrait Andy Warhol oil portrait
Andy Warhol oil portrait Andy Warhol oil portrait Andy Warhol oil portrait