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Oil Portrait Masters 6

Van Gogh

Vincent lived during the era of Impressionism. With the development of photography, artists turned to conveying the feeling and ideas behind people, places, and things rather than trying to imitate their physical forms. Neo-Impressionist artists did this by emphasizing certain hues, using vigorous brushstrokes, and paying attention to highlighting. Vincent van Gogh implemented this ideology to pursue his goal of depicting his own feelings toward and involvement with his subjects. Van Gogh's portraiture focuses on color and brushstrokes to demonstrate their inner qualities and van Gogh's own relationship with them.

Vincent van Gogh painted over 30 self-portraits between the years 1886 and 1889, reflecting his ongoing pursuit of complementary colors and a bolder form. His collection of self-portraits places him among the most dynamic self-portraitists of all time.
Van Gogh oil portrait Van Gogh oil portrait Van Gogh oil portrait
Van Gogh oil portrait Van Gogh oil portrait Van Gogh oil portrait
Van Gogh oil portrait Van Gogh oil portrait Van Gogh oil portrait